>Info zum Stichwort Google-Ads | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
henningninneh schrieb am 5.4. 2004 um 23:21:53 Uhr über


wir sind sehr ungehalten darüber, dass der blaster jetzt google-ads hat. zum glück lässt sich das durch einbindung folgenden user-stylesheets leicht umgehen. einfach copy & paste, in einer textdatei speichern und im browser laden. wie's mit dem firefox geht, weiß ich leider nich nicht.


* This file can be used to apply a style to all web pages you view
* Rules without !important are overruled by author rules if the
* author sets any. Rules with !important overrule author rules.

* turns off »blink« element blinking
blink { text-decoration: none ! important; }

* hides many ads by preventing display of images that are inside
* links when the link HREF contans certain substrings.

A:link[HREF*=»ad.«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»ads.«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»/ad«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»/A=«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»/click«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»?click«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»?banner«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»=click«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»/ar.atwo«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»spinbox.«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»transfer.go«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»adfarm«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»bluestreak«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»doubleclick«] IMG { display: none ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»valueclick«] IMG { display: none ! important }

/* disable ad iframes */
IFRAME[SRC*=»ad.«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»ads.«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»/ad«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»/A=«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»/click«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»?click«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»?banner«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»=click«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»/ar.atwo«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»spinbox.«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»transfer.go«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»adfarm«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»bluestreak«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=»doubleclick«] { display: none ! important }
IFRAME[SRC*=» value click«] { display: none ! important }

/* turning some false positives back off */

A:link[HREF*=»download.«] IMG { display: inline ! important }
A:link[HREF*=»click.mp3«] IMG { display: inline ! important }

* For more examples see http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html


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 Konfiguration | Web-Blaster | Statistik | »Google-Ads« | Hilfe | Startseite 
0.0071 (0.0026, 0.0030) sek. –– 862916597