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Entere-System schrieb am 12.10. 2011 um 23:44:31 Uhr über


Das Gezwerge war in den letzten Jahrzehnten multiturbolent und sehr verhaltensauffällig.
Die Bundesregierung befürchtet nun in den eigenen Reihen und auch innerhalb der Polizei könne es zu einer Art »Piraterieakt« kommen, sagte ein Sprecher des Bundesinnenministeriums vergangenen Freitag im BBC.
"We are worry about our police.
They are getting underdeterminated urgently, it's because of they are confronted with non-correctness political labour. Our »Bundesastronom« Dr. Juri Gagarin Fisher was telling us:
"In some weeks german police will jump over the cardigan because they could wish themselves to be governementet by something like Garfield.
Garfield is that one fat cat in south bavaria.
It is saying things about yellow books for babys giving theire parents from health organization.
It is not allowed speaking over that, because that is the point when system is running his own way.
We are busy to spread out financial thematikatika to get polish over the injection war on babies last 50 years the pullover of nostalgia. We create new dogma in diffuse colours, to protect this one thing which would break soul of earth.
But since a cupple of time we are penetrated with this one fat cat, telling the truth about war on babies by false information to the victims of this very bad cruelty war in history."

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