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Death Metal
https://de.wikipedia.orgwiki › Death_Metal
Death Metal ist ein Subgenre des Metal und gehört neben Black Metal und Thrash Metal zum Spektrum des Extreme Metal. Kennzeichnend sind aggressiv gespielte ...
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Warum heißt es Death Metal?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Death Metal und Black Metal?
Anders als beispielsweise im technischen Death Metal oder dem Progressive Metal ist das musikalische Können im Black Metal weniger von Bedeutung als die Atmosphäre. Der Gesang im Black Metal wird häufig als vorrangiges Identifikationsmerkmal herangezogen.

Black Metal - Wikipedia
https://de.wikipedia.orgwiki › Black_Metal
best of: »God's Death / Sadness« (1994)
Intro: Fall Of A False God. God's Death. Last Breath Black Motorcycle, Battle In The Hohly Holes, The Holy Gates Of Heaven. Böse <...> Vampireoutro: The Better Godintro: Suffering Unendlich Ritorneli Sadness. God's Death (Organ Version). Last Breath (Battle Version). Inquisition. Strafe. Death Hymnoutro: A Fine Day To Die Into Falls Of A False God.
Die by the demon, die by my hand. God is so mightless - I can't understand. Satanic laughter fills your ears. Did you ever so what hear? Your brain explodes, i suck your blood, your body - rotting in the mud. You can't stop the great ABSURD. Know that the truth sometimes hurts, the truth is that someone soon will die. Although she thinks she´s the almighty. She's got the might to die herself. The creation raises against its creator. Last breath in the dawn we stand on the battleground, sword by the side, feel the hammers' pound. Drink our last wine, we are taking our horses. Awaiting our enemies, feel no remorse.
No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lordsche shall be for us care, fully shall help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. At the castle sits my wife to see her again. I fight 'til the knife. I have no mercy with the Christian scumdogs, I hack their bodies and break their necks. No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us carefully, shall help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. The battle is raging, the blood flows in streams oppress your fear when hearing the deathscreams. If you want to see the sun going downfight!!! We are protected by the Dark Lord's crown.
No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us carefully, shall help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. A friend stands before me and falls broken-dead in raging wrath. I cut off the Christians' head. I don't want to die here, I want the victory, I wanna live and win, my sword is deathdoor's key. No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us carefully. shall help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. The battle has now ended, we stand in twilight's shine, our swords are blood-red colored, awaiting Dark Lord's sign. Riding back to castle and have a great black feast, black orgy with my wife and friends – Hail to Dark Lord, the apocalyptic beast!
Black Motorcycle. Battle In The Holy Halls. The Gates Of Heaven, there was a night - the only night that was real. I felt like the chosen one but there was no thunder, there was no lightning. So I thought I were dreaming on [Kehrreim:] - Straight on through the gates of heaven evil will destroy the souls where's your saviour where hides Jesus. Why isn't he at war against us? Darkness around us was so siezable. Black blood running through my veins. We know: what we did was unacceptable but our hearts were by fucking evil chained.
Vampire will return. I'm a creature of the night. I am a vampire and I bite. At night I will come to your house. Lay me into my grave and close my casket to save yourself. I will bite into your neck to suck your blood out of your vein. Soon you will be dead. Lay me into my grave and close my casket to save yourself. Stick a pale into my heart, then you have saved of your life just a part. Hear the evil symphony. Lay me into my grave and close my casket to save yourself outro: The Better God Intro Suffering Unendlich Ritorneli. Sadness. God's Death (Organ Version). Die by the demon, die by my hand. God is so mightless - I can't understand. Satanic laughter fills your ears. Did you ever so what hear? Your brain explodes, i suck your blood. Your body - rotting in the mud. You can't stop the great ABSURD. Know that the truth sometimes hurts. The truth is that God soon will die although he is the almighty. He's got the might to die himself. The creation raises against it´s creator. Last Breath (Battle Version) - In the dawn we stand on the battleground, sword by the side, feel the hammers' pound. Drink our last wine, we are taking our horses. Awaiting our enemies, feel no remorse.
No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us care, fully shall help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. At the castle sits my wife to see her again. I fight 'til the knife. I have no mercy with the Christian scumdogs, I hack their bodies and break their necks. No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us carefully, shall help us, save us as, we have to take our last breath. The battle is raging, the blood flows in streams, oppress your fear when hearing the deathscreams. If you want to see the sun going downfight!!! We are protected by the Dark Lord's crown.
No fear inside, make your last prayer, Dark Lord shall be for us care-fully shall-help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. A friend stands before me and falls broken-dead in raging wrath, I cut off the Christians' head. I don't want to die here, I want the victory, I wanna live and win, my sword is deathdoor's key. No fear inside, make your last prayer Dark Lord, shall be for us care, fully what shalls, help us, save us as we have to take our last breath. The battle has now ended, we stand in twilight's shine, our swords are blood-red colored, awaiting Dark Lord's sign. Riding back to castle and have a great black feast, black orgy with my wife and friends – Hail to Dark Lord, the apocalyptic beast! Inquisition. Strafe. Death Hymn. Outro: A Fine Day To Die.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@espenlaub.com
ABSURD - Suchen nach: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Death Metal und Black Metal? Was ist härter als Death Metal? Welche Band spielt Death Metal? Warum ist Black Metal rechts? Welche Art von Metal ist Metallica? Feedback links Death Metal: Metal Hammer https://www.metal-hammer.deGGGDeath-Metal <...> Death Metal ist neben Black- und Thrash Metal eine Spielart des extremen Metal. Sein Sound ist geprägt durch harte, oft dissonante Melodien, ... Videos 5:36 DEATH DECLINE - Useless Sacrifice [Brutal Death Metal ... YouTube · METAL MONKS 18.10.2018 ... 10:12 ... 30 Iconic Death Metal Bands - The Suffocaters 10.05.2023 <...> 25 wichtige Momente in diesem Video in 4:46. 10 Greatest Death Metal Bands YouTube · Loudwire 28.01.2016 - 10 wichtige Momente in diesem Video ->

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10 Bands, die man als Death-Metal-Fan kennen sollte. Radiobob.de https://www.radiobob.de10 Bands die mann als death-... Heruntergestimmte Gitarren, dunkle Texte, Extreme-Metal-Sound: Das ist Death Metal! Wir haben hier 10 Vertreter gesammelt, die jeder Fan kennen sollte. Die 10 besten Death Metal Bands - wrock-tv.com https://www.wrock-tv.comKategorie: Musik. Weitere Death Metal Bands · Amon Amarth · Autopsy · Behemoth · Bloodbath · Bolt Thrower · Decapitated · Dying Fetus · Celtic Frost; Gojira; Hypocrisy ...
Eagles of melodic death, batman death, Baby Body Death. Metal Genre - Death Metal: Metal Hammer - Schwedischer Death Metal - Deutsche Ausgabe Hardcover. DEATH DECLINE - Useless Sacrifice [Brutal Death Metal | Thrash Metal] DEATH DECLINE - Useless Sacrifice [Brutal Death Metal | Thrash Metal]
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Death metal Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.orgwiki
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Death metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. It typically employs heavily distorted and low-tuned guitars, played with techniques such as palm ... Der Death Metal :: Entstehung, Geschichte und Hintergründe. Hell-is-open https://www.hell-is-open.deinfo › Metalinfo › Showpa ... Für den Metal war die langsame Aufsplittung des Genres die Rettung. Mit dem Deathmetal fand die Musik zu ihren Ursprüngen als rebellische, unkommerzielle Musik ... Death Metal - Vinyl jpc.de https://www.jpc.deVinyl › Repress, neues Artwork, schwarzes Vinyl. 1782 wurde Anna Göldi verurteilt, gefoltert und getötet, es war der letzte Hexenprozess in Europa. Auf diesem ... Death Metal wurde Nuclear Blast https://www.nuclearblast.com › Collections Death Metal. Offizielles Merch & Musik-Releases. Alle · Heavy Metal · Thrash Metal · Death Metal · Black Metal · Power Metal · Metalcore · Hard Rock.
Weitere Fragen?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Death Metal und Metal? Was war zuerst da, Black Metal oder Death Metal? Was ist der härteste Metal Genre? Ist Slayer Black Metal?
Death Metal Bands, bekannte Death Metal Bands, Death Metal T-Shirt, Death Metal Songs, Death Metal Übersetzung, Death Metal Frau, Death Metal Einhorn, Death Metal Bands 80er, Melodic Death Metal: Genre Metal Hammer https://www.metal-hammer.deGenres › Melodic-Death ... Der Melodic Death Metal verbindet Elemente des schwedischen Death Metal mit anderen Stilrichtungen wie u.a. klassischem Heavy Metal, Power Metal, ...
Aktuelle Death Metal Reviews rhinemetal.de https://www.metal.de Voll in die Fresse rein <...>› Reviews › Gen Redeath-Metal. Neue Artikel ... Interview Accept »Wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, sind Texte im Metal sekundärInterview Van den Blas»Am Schluss muss es wie aus einem Guss wirken.«. Echt süß und scharf: der Death Metal ... Beerenweine https://www.beerenweine.euShop › Editionen › METALDer Kult von morgen: Beerenweine - Death Metal - Machen wir mal einen Soundcheck: Death Metal, das klingt rau und ursprünglich. Gitarrensoli und Tempowechsel ... 7,95 €Death, Metal Music and Merz on Bandcamp https://bandcamp.comDiscovery
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Shop Death Metal Vinyl, Cassettes, CDs, T-Shirts, Digital Music and more on Bandcamp. Was ist Death Metal? Entstehung, Geschichte und Bands - Mister GIGAEntertainmentMusik 21.02.2024 — Death Metal ist ein Musikgenre, das in den 80er Jahren entstand. Es hatte eine deutlich härtere und aggressivere Herangehensweise an die Musik ... Topkünstler von Death Metal Last.fm https://www.last.fm › Tag des Meath+MetalArtistsKünstler von Death Metal · Gojira. Avatar für Gojira · Du möchtest keine Anzeigen sehen?
Führe jetzt das Upgrade durch · Death. Avatar für Death · Behemoth.
Death Metal Laut.de https://www.laut.deGenres › Death-Metal-46 <...> Hauptmerkmale des Death Metal sind die um mehrere Halbtöne herunter gestimmten Gitarren und der 'Gesang'. Der Begriff »Death Grunts« (engl. »Grunzen«) ... Bandliste.de https://bandliste.deGenreMetal › Death Metal › Fr 21.06. Scythe Beast · Melodic Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Deutschland, 49, Diepholz, 4.2. Olden · Melodic Death Metal | Dismember LP › EMP Deutschland https://www.emp.deDeath-Metal. Death Metal LP online kaufen bei EMP ✩ Riesige Produkt-AuswahlKauf auf RechnungJetzt zugreifen.
24,99 €Death Metal | Metal Wiki - Fandom https://metal.fandom.comwiki › Death_Metal. Death Metal ist ein großes Genre im heutigen Metal und dabei die härteste und brutalste Richtungl. Aus der Vereinigung mit Hardcore entstand fast ... BOBs Death Metal-Stream Radiobob de https://www.radiobob.deBobs-Death-Metal-Stream › Death Metal. Death Metal ohne Kompromisse. Und ohne Pause. ... In Schweden hat sich parallel dazu ein europäischer Gegenpol entwickelt. Skandinavische Bands wie ... wrock-tv.com https://www.wrock-tv.comKategorie: Musik Death Metal. Death Metal entstand im Jahre 1984 durch die Band Possessed und Death die damals noch Mantas hießen. Death Metal ist ein extremes Subgenre des ... Death Metal Radio und Radiosender online hören https://www.radio.de › Musikrichtungen › Death Metal Radio kostenlos hören. Entdecke Death Metal Radiosender der ganzen Welt auf radio.de. Jetzt direkt per Webradio online hören.
Death Metal-Sender von laut.fm – User Generated RadioLaut fm https://laut.fm › StationsG › Death MetalBesseres Radio. Nur im Web. Wir nennen es: User Generated Radio™. Die größte Radiovielfalt in Deutschland, von Hip-Hop bis Schlager, von Death-Metal bis ... 336.050+ Follower Death Metal. Gefällt 336.127 Mal · 343 Personen sprechen darüber. The Official Death Metal community. Daily Videos, Band Promotions and always some... Death Metal - Neuerscheinungen › New-Releases › WOW WOM › Die beliebtesten Neuheiten in Death Metal. Melodic Death Metal aus dem Schwarzwald | Beowulf Metal ... https://beowulf-metal.de Insgesamt sind fünf Musiker aus dem Schwarzwald, die sich dem brachialen Melodic Death Metal verschrieben haben. Der Sound ist von melodischer und ... Melodic Death Metal Aktuelle Specials. 2 Special Hit or Shit? ... Eine Band bestehend aus computeranimierten Orks, die ein durch KI generiertes Album veröffentlichen. Es gibt derzeit ... Death Metal Merch IMPERICON DE - https://www.impericon.com › Death-Metal-Merchandise.
Death Metal Merch – Merchandise für Hartgesottene. Wildes Geknüppel, walzende, tief gestimmte Gitarren und bösartige, durch Mark und Bein gehende Growls. Der ... FLUIDS - Fluids Of Death 2 (CD) Brutal Death Metal aus USA - Teufels-Zeug Records https://teufelszeug-records.de › Products › Fluids-Fluids-o <...> Seit 2018 verschmutzen FLUIDS aus Arizona den Untergrund massiv mit ihrer unbarmherzig ekligen Sorte Goregrind. Das Debütalbum der Band, ... 9,99 € · ‎Auf Lager. Deathcore & Death Metal: Das sind die besten Alben 2022 More Cores de https://www.morecore.deNews Artikel 17.12.2022 — Bodysnatcher – Bleed Abide.
Für Deathcore-Fans dürfte „Bleed Abide“ von Bodysnatcher wohl eines der Top-Alben in diesem Jahr gewesen ... Death Metal Merch IMPERICON DE https://www.impericon.com › Death-Metal-Merchandise <...> Death Metal Merch – Merchandise für Hartgesottene. Wildes Geknüppel, walzende, tief gestimmte Gitarren und bösartige, durch Mark und Bein gehende Growls. Der ... Death (metal) – CDs, LPs, DVDs und mehr jpc de https://www.jpc.de › Death+(Metal) › Vinyl-Reissue des 4. Albums der legendären Metalband Death! Mit einem Bonustrack! lieferbar innerhalb 1-2 Wochen. EUR 24,99**. LP. Death Metal Musik Last fm https://www.last.fm › tag › Death+Metal <...> Finde Titel, Künstler und Alben zum Thema Death+Metal. Finde neue Musik rund um Death Metal bei James Last.
Death Metal Archive vom Blasorchester - Silence Musik Magazin https://silence-magazin.de › Reviews › Death Metal Tarot mit SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE ... SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE beschreiben auf ihrem dritten Album einen inneren Kampf, dessen Ziel der Wiederaufbau der eigenen ... Death Metal online kaufen eBayern https://www.ebay.deDeath-Metal Sortieren · Death - The Sound Of Perseverance · CIVEROUS - Maze Envy CD, NEU · F8 von Five Finger Death Punch Digipack Slipknot Powerwolf Nu Metal Deathcore. Death Metal-Stream | RADIO BOB! Wacken Radio by RADIO BOB! https://www.wackenradio.de › Death-Metal-Stream-Wack... Death Metal-Stream. Death Metal zählt zu den extremsten Arten des Metal - bei uns bekommt Ihr die volle Bandbreite des Genres auf die Ohren. Also – kramt die ... Death Metal All AB out music Wiki | Fandom https://all-about-music.fandom.comwiki › Death_Metal <...> Als Pionierband lassen sich At the Gates benennen, die sich mittlerweile aufgelöst haben. Eine der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Bands dieser Richtung sind ... Brutal Death Metal - Vampster - https://vampster.comEXTREM OLAMOT: Dritter Track vom neuen Brutal Death Metal Album “Path of Divinity”. Die Brutal Death Metal-Band OLAMOT hat nach dem Lyric-Video zuSoul Harvest” und “ ... Death Metal Music: The Passion and Politics of a Subculture
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Natalie J. Purcell · 2015 · ‎Music ... Death Metalwith its images of murder and rapeP Articularly threatening. The failure of censors to distinguish between artistic expression and literal Batman Death MetalAlle Comics zum DC-Event Paninishop https://paninishop.deComics › Redaktionstipps Batman Death MetalDas große DC-Megaevent! Die Helden haben ihre letzte Schlacht verloren! Die Erde ist gefallen und befindet sich unter der Kontrolle des ... Death Metal: Musik-CDs & Vinyl › Death-Metal-Musik-Alben-CDs - Online-Einkauf von Death Metal mit großartigem Angebot im Musik-CDs & Vinyl Shop. Death Metal Bands (Official Music Videos) YouTube · Metallwish 52.100+ Follower · vor 1 Monat - Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. CREMATION – Wie man als altbewährte Death Metal Band Metal Factory https://metalfactory.chInterviews gibt. 18.01.2023Die Schweizer Rock-Band um die namensgebenden Chris Ellis (v) und Edis Mano (g), die durch Tastenmann Lukas Bosshardt, Bassist Severin Graf und ...
Death Metal Bands - Bandliste.de https://bandliste.de › sortdir › ASC › sortby › Bandname | Aaron Grown · Death Metal, Melodic Metal, Grindcore, German Nihilistic Metal, Deutschland, 29410, Salzwedel ; Abasement · Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Deathcore ... Death-MetalRechtschreibung, Bedeutung, ...
Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Death-Metal' ✔️ Auf Duden online nachschlagen ✔️ Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.
Neopaganismus und Ideologie in Black und Death Metal
Nordische Botschaften
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'Schwedischer Death Metal' von 'Daniel Ekeroth' - Buch i-Thalia https://www.thalia.de › ... › Kunst & KulturMusik Schwedischer Death Metal von Daniel Ekeroth. Bewertung: 5 · ‎2 Rezensionen · ‎24,95 € · ‎Auf Lager . Death Metal: Beliebte & empfohlene Bücher bei ... Lovely Books https://www.lovelybooks.de › Stoebern › Empfehlung 6 Bücher · Cover des Buches Im tiefen Wald (ISBN: 9783453528826) · Cover des Buches Erzengel (ISBN: 9783462051377) · Cover des Buches Schwarzmetall und ... Was Death Metal wirklich bei den Hörern auslöst. WELT - https://www.welt.deKompakt 14.03.2019 — Tendiere eher zu Melodic Death Metal, hauptsächlich wegen der Energie, wogegen Rap oder Hip Hop wie Großmütterchen-Mukke wirken. Erinnere mich ... DEATH METAL Definition und Bedeutung Collins Dictionary https://www.collinsdictionary.comEnglisch › Death-M... b. (as modifier). a death-metal band. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.
Death Metal
https://arte.tvVideos › Death Metal | Für diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar. Weitere Informationen. Weitere Ergebnisse. Death Metal ist ein Subgenre des Metal und gehört neben Black Metal und Thrash Metal zum Spektrum des Extreme Metal. Kennzeichnend sind aggressiv gespielte Riffs, die auf häufig tiefer gestimmten E-Gitarren und E-Bässen gespielt werden, sowie Gitarrensoli. Wikipedia Elektro-Genre / Elektro-Genres: Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore Punk, Extreme Metal Entstehungsphase: Mitte der 1980er Jahre. Herkunftsort: Großbritannien und USA sowie Schweden
76761, Rülzheim
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Death Metal ist ein Subgenre des Metal und gehört neben Black Metal und Thrash Metal zum Spektrum des Extreme Metal. Kennzeichnend sind aggressiv gespielte Riffs, die auf häufig tiefer gestimmten E-Gitarren und E-Bässen gespielt werden, sowie Gitarrensoli. Wikipedia Elektro-Genre / Elektro-Genres: Metal, Thrash Metal, Hardcore Punk, Extreme Metal Entstehungsphase: Mitte der 1980er Jahre. Herkunftsort: Großbritannien und USA sowie Schweden.
Piling the bodies, burn them in the night. Skin grows black and withered, decayed smell will rise. Existence fading into ashes.Burn those bodies to infernal death. Human coals are burning repulsive yet so true. Open graves are scattered when the work is through. Existence fading into ashes, burn those bodies to infernal death Zombie Ritual. Revengeful corpse out to kill. Smell the stench, your guts will spill. Vomit for a mind, Maggots for a cock. With his axe the corpse will chop. Stare into his eyes. Now in his spell kiss the rotting flesh. Now you're in hell. Drink from the goblet, the goblet of gore. Taste the zombie's ass, now you want more. Drifting from the living, joining with the dead. Zombie dwelling Maggots, now infest your head. Zombie ritual.
Zombie ritual ceremony now complete. Chosen one is now deceased. Fucking, raping zombie whores. Killing, feasting no remorse. Stare into his eyes. Now in his spell kiss the rotting flesh. Now you're in hell. Drink from the goblet, the goblet of gore. Taste the zombie's arse, now you want more. Drifting from the living, joining with the dead. Zombie dwelling Maggots, now infest your head. Zombie ritual. Zombie ritual. Zombie ritual. Zombie ritual. Denial of Life in your dreams. The pain is so real. Before the dead you'll have to kneel. Hear your future screams, see your epitaph as you scream. The dead they laugh pain, growing stronger Life, exists no longer Welcome, to a world of pain death and despair denial of life (Vile Denial) Denial of life. Denial of life created by your mind to overtake your life. Sacrificial suicide. End it with a knife. Much too late to change your mind. A bloody corpse is left behind.
Pain, growing stronger. Life, exists no longer. Welcome to a world of pain, death and despair. Denial of life (Vile denial). Denial of life Denial of life sacrificial with chainsaw in hand. Your death I demand slicing through your fat. My awaited gore attack. Manipulating lies is your way of life. Riding on cheap glory, your life is getting gory. Watch you bleed to death. Gasping for last breath. Choking on your blood, I shit onto your guts. Sacrificial cunt. I despise sacrificial cunt. No more lies. Slabs of fat lay on the ground. Ram an axe into your mound. Time to pay the gruesome price. A stupid cunt we sacrifice. Watch you bleed to death. Gasping for last breath. Choking on your blood, I shit onto your guts, sacrificial cunt. I despise sacrificial cunt. No more lies. Sacrificial cunt. I despise sacrificial cunt. No more lies. Mutilation massacred, hacked to death, my revenge slicing deep, into your flesh, the pain intense dreams of hate, misery. Fill my mind. Puke in your face in disgust, it's time to die. You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain.
Staring your severed head in the face I celebrate a faggot's death, human disgrace hanging your mangled corpse for display. My revenge was fulfilled upon this day. You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain.
You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain. You must die in pain.
Regurgitated guts suicidal preacher hangs himself, unfaithful servant goes straight to hell. When he returns, your life will end. Down from the skies Maggots descend. Least expecting his horrible face. Your decayed guts you soon will taste. Unholy feeling grows deep inside. Choking on your guts you open wide. Regurgitated guts. Satisfy his needs. Regurgitated guts. Now you're gonna bleed. Visions of death are growing clear. Life as a corpse is what you fear. Searching through the graves to be set free from the curse of the priest that's come to be so unaware of what's to come. Your guts are his when he is done. Reaching for your cross to end this pain. Your life and blood he will have drained gegurgitated guts. Satisfy his needs. Regurgitated guts. Now you're gonna bleed in his TRANCE - Your eyes they bleed. Your guts come forth for his own need baptized In blood. Under command a new-born child submerged in blood, the dead, they smile. Growing possessed, burning inside a bloody feast for us tonight. The way of death is growing, hear just take my hand Skyes, grow black unholy corpses upon their land. The dead they gather around praising the child they found. Possessed, the child shall kill. The future is now revealed. Baptized in blood. Destined to burn. Dark is my soul. Reborn they'll learn. Gather around, watch and see a new creation of misery taking the place of the elderly dead. Forbidden ways now in his head.
The way of death is growing hear, just take my hand, skies grow black. Unholy corpses upon their land. The dead they gather around. Praising the child they found. Possessed, the child shall kill. The future is now revealed. Baptized in blood. Destined to burn. Dark is my soul. Reborn they'll learn.Baptized in blood. Destined to burn. Dark is my soul. Reborn they'll learn. Torn To Pieces out to find the truth behind the myth of man eating man. Finding bodies tied up to a stake. You cannot understand. Filled with ignorance you watch them eat your friends. Ask for evidence. A hook right through your tits. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces.
Trying to escape. They torture you by. Cutting off your cock when you're dead. They'll feast upon your flesh.Your brains they'll eat and chop. Pray if you want, pathetic rancid cunt. Face reality, death your final pleasure torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Torn to pieces. Evil Dead trapped inside a life which is not yours. Spirits within causing terror, fear and darkness. Evil dead. Evil dead. Voice speaks out, all will die tonight.Insanity fills your mind, you hear them calling Evil dead. Evil dead. Covered in blood, all hope is lost. Forever to rot, controlled by the powers of the Evil dead.
Evil dead scream bloody gore. Decapitated head licking your cunt. Sucking all the blood from your stump. Intestinal guts taking their hold. Leaving you dead, stiff and cold. Controlling the minds of the bloodthristy dead. Unholy seizure slicing through your head. Who will survive only time will tell. Dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell. Lobotomised corpse shredding your flesh. Leaving your body a bloody mess. Scream bloody gore. Scream bloody gore. Inject the reborn terror, the blood comes spurting out. Another to control, add it to your count. Orders to destroy, rip and tear apart. Wishing for the end, your dead is just the start. Controlling the minds of the bloodthristy dead. Unholy seizure slicing through your head. Who will survive only time will tell. Dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell. Lobotomised corpse shredding your flesh. Leaving your body a bloody mess scream bloody gore. Scream bloody gore. Armies of the dead. Hail their leader's head. Hungry for the flesh. While it's warm and fresh.

Through the smoke who will see? Who will come out alive? Now it's your turn to feel the pain. Now it's your turn to die beyond The Unholy Grave [Bonus Track] messenger of evil haunting your soul, laying in pieces, taking my corpse. The meeting that was held graveyard of death trying to resist it. Slow unholy breath beyond the unholy grave. Beyond the unholy grave. BEYOND THE UNHOLY GRAVE! Screaming in silence within mystery. Inside is spilled with your brain. Demeaning it was hell. Graveyard of death. Trying to resist it. Slow unholy breath beyond the unholy grave. Beyond the unholy grave BEYOND THE UNHOLY GRAVE!
Beyond the unholy grave. Beyond the unholy grave. BEYOND THE UNHOLY GRAVE! Land Of No Return [BONUS TRACK] - Mangled bodies falling from the sky. Grotesque mutation ripping out your eyes. Now a corpses slave you'll learn to rot. A life of endless gore is what you've got.
Rotting till the end of time in the land of no return. Here your screams remain unheard. Watch your flesh decay and burn in this land there is no night or day. In pools of blood, the corpses sit and prey. Unholy carcas begging for relief existing everyday in morbid grief. Searching for your soul nowhere to be found. Wanting to return six feet under ground.
Rotting till the end of time in the land of no return. Here your screams remain unheard. Watch your flesh decay and burn.
Chuck Schuldiner and Chris Reifert - Thanks to Robertboni12, Maggottmutilator666 for sending track #11 - Thanks to Herbert Clayton for sending track #12 - Thanks to Dupej Ivan for correcting track #6 - Thanks to Bart.David1 for correcting track #7.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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