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Yadgar schrieb am 15.2. 2006 um 18:40:09 Uhr über


Gamma Ray, Gamma Ray, Gammagammagammaray... also, irgendwie hat BirthControl auch schon intelligenteren Krautrock zustande gebracht... z. B. »Futile Prayer« von der 1975er LP »Backdoor Possibilities«:

Please be my friend
and take as garment all my skin,
I want to lend
what I can give
someone well known to my soul...

Lighten my night,
I want to know what I've done wrong!
Do you and I
play hide and seek?
Someone well known to my soul...

We'll reveal the mystery of the end,
that's impending while my thoughts transcend
places well known to my dreams!


We will comprehend what we call time,
and we'll see if it's really sublime...
is it a dream or is it true?

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