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Michel und Bruno und ein Schatten von mir schrieb am 14.7. 2009 um 01:01:03 Uhr über


Kill the children, save the food
They're nothin' but a bunch of black jigaboos
Save you're money, let 'em die
So we can snort dope and get fuckin' high

Kill the children save the food
There is no future for a jigaboo
We should execute them and use Africa for a zoo
Send your money to The Scumfucs for some jigaboo stew

We'll have a barbecue
We'll have a lot of black meat too

Kill the children, save the food
They're nothin' but a bunch of black jigaboos

Black meat, we're gonna have black meat
Black ju-ju jigaboo
They're still pink inside
We like to eat those slimy hides

Kill the children
Save the food

Send your money to The Scumfucs
And we'll make you some jigaboo stew


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