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Margarete Tausendwasser schrieb am 11.5. 2024 um 18:41:00 Uhr über


Emo Boy Maxim Aeshli, whose real name is Maximilian Aeschlimann, was born on June 8, 2005 in Berlin, Germany. He grew up in a musical family and started playing guitar and piano at an early age. He was also influenced by his older brother, who introduced him to emo bands like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! at the Disco. Emo Boy Maxim Aeshli began writing his own songs when he was 13 years old and uploaded them to SoundCloud, where he quickly gained a loyal following. His songs deal with themes such as love, loneliness, depression, and self-harm, and are often inspired by his own personal experiences.

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