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Wild Horses of Stones schrieb am 20.7. 2024 um 23:05:49 Uhr über


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Wie wirkt tiefes Purpur?
Warum ist tiefes Purpur so teuer?
Welches ist die teuerste Farbe der Welt?
Wie wertvoll ist tiefes Purpur?
steht für Würde, Mystik und Schutz. Die Farbe der Inspiration und der Kunst ist extravagant und wirkt schmerzlindernd, reinigend und entschlackend. Violett kann stolz und arrogant wirken, unterstützt aber auch die Konzentration und das Selbstvertrauen. 04.10.2016
Warum die Farbe so teuer ist, lässt sich einfach erklären: für dieses eine Gramm mussten 10.000 Schnecken gesammelt und anschließend aufwändig aufbereitet werden! Dies erklärt auch, warum das echte Purpur Pigment früher nur zum Färben der Kleidung hochrangiger Würdenträger in Staat und Kirche eingesetzt wurde. 24.03.2023
Purpur, Tropfen für Tropfen aus den Drüsen einer Unter- art der Stachelschnecke gewonnen, ist bis heute einer der teuersten Farbstoffe der Welt.
Damit ist Purpur auch heute noch 70x so teuer wie Gold und immer noch die teuerste Farbe der Welt. Um 100 Gramm Wolle mit Purpur durchzufärben bedarf es 20 Gramm Purpur, kostet also aktuell 49.000,- Euro.

FuerteventuraPurpur wertvoller als Gold - Sunny Fuerte
Sunny Fuerte
In der Farbpsychologie ist Lila als Farbe bekannt, die beruhigend wirken und gleichzeitig die Konzentration fördern kann, weshalb die verschiedenen Lila-Farbtöne sich hervorragend für die Wandgestaltung eignen.
In der Weimarer Republik etablierte sich Lila und nicht Rosa als die Farbe der Homosexualität, zum Beispiel bei dem Ball derLila Nacht“. Lila wiederum gehört heute dem Feminismus und Lesbianismus und wird in nicht unumstrittenen pseudopsychologischen Farbanalysen als Farbe der sexuellen Frustration bewertet.07.01.2015
Sie stellt ein Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Blau des Himmels und dem Feuer der Erde, zwischen dem Geist und dem Körper her. Violett ist die Farbe der Macht, aber auch der Leidenschaft, des Unmoralischen. Violett ist gleichzeitig heilende Farbe und auch Farbe des Todes. Lila steht für Spiritualität, Geist und Intelligenz.
Nobody gonna take my car I'm gonna race it to the ground. Nobody gonna beat my car it's gonna break the speed of sound. Ooh, it's a killing machine. It's got everything like a driving power. Big fat tires and everything, I love it and I need it. I bleed it. Yeah, it's a wild hurricane. Alright, hold tight. I'm a highway star. Nobody gonna take my girl I'm gonna keep her to the end. Nobody gonna have my girl she stays close on every bend. Ooh, she's a killing machine. She's got everything like a moving mouthl Body control and everything:
See Deep Purple Live
Get tickets as low as $16
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Family Matters Drake Smoke on the Water, Deep Purple Child in Time, [Pre-Chorus] I love her, I need her, I see her [Chorus] - Yeah, it turns me on. Alright, hold tight, I'm a highway star. Organ Solo. Nobody gonna take my head I got speed inside my brain. Nobody gonna steal my head now that I'm on the road again. Ooh, I'm in heaven again, I've got everything like a moving ground. An open road and everything [Pre-Chorus]. I love it. And I need it. I seed it. [Chorus] Eight cylinders, all mine. Alright, hold tight. I'm a highway star. [Guitar Solo] Nobody gonna take my car I'm gonna race it to the ground. Nobody gonna beat my car it's gonna break the speed of sound. Ooh, it's a killing machine. It's got everything like a driving powerl Big fat tires and everything [Pre-Chorus]l I love it. And I need it. I bleed it [Chorus] xeah, it's a mad hurricane. Alright, hold tight. I'm a highway star. I'm a highway star. I'm a highway star sweet child, in time, you'll see the line. The line that's drawn between good and bad. See the blind man shooting at the world. Bullets flying, oh, taking toll. If you've been bad, Jon Lord, I bet you have, and you've not been hit, oh, by a flying lead. You'd better close your eyes. Oh, bow your head. Wait for the ricochet [Bridge] Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ah, Ah, Ah, Oh, I wanna hear you sing Ah, Ah, Ah, Oh, ah see Deep Purple Live:
Get tickets as low as $16
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Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, [Instrumental Break] [Guitar Solo] [Keyboard Solo] sweet child, in time, you'll see the line. The line that's drawn between good and bad. See the blind man shooting at the world. Bullets flying, mmm, taking toll. If you've been bad, I bet you have. And you've not been a hit, oh, and no flying lead. You'd better close your eyes, oh, bow your head. Wait for the ricochet [Bridge] Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ah, Ah, Ah, Oh, I gotta hear you sing Ah, Ah, Ah, Oh, you are [Buildup]Ah, Ah, Ah, oh, Ah, Ah, Ah [Outro] oh, oh, oh, oh no, oh, oh no, oh, uh. Uh, ain't gonna do, oh no, Oh, oh no, Ah, ah, oh, Ah, oh
Oh, oh, oh, Ah, ah, there once was a woman, a strange kind of woman, the kind that gets written down in history. Her name was Nancy, her face was nothing fancy. She left a trail of happiness and misery. I loved her. Everybody loved her. She loved everyone and gave them good return. I tried to take her. I even tried to break her. She said, »I ain't for taking, won't you ever learn?« [Chorus] I want you, I need you, I got to be near you. I spent my money as I took my turn. I want you, I need you, I got to be near you. Ooh, I got a strange kind of woman.
She looked like a raver but I could never please her. On Wednesday morning boys you can't go far. I couldn't get her but things got better. She said »Saturday nights from now on baby, you're my star«. I want you, I need you, I got to be near you. I spent my money as I took my turn. I want you, I need you, I got to be near you. Ooh, I got a strange kind of woman. See Deep Purple Live. Get tickets as low as $16. You might also like Highway Star Deep Purple Burn Deep Purple Black Night. Deep Purple ooh my soul, I love you. [Guitar Solo] [Chorus]
She finally said she loved me. I wed her in a hurry. No more callers and I glowed with pride. I'm dreaming. I feel like screaming. I won my woman just before she died.
[Chorus][Outro] Who do you think you are? A Superstar? Who do you think you are? A Superstar? Superstar, who do we think we are? Oh my soul, I love you, I have often told you stories about the way I lived. The life of a drifter waiting for the day when I'd take your hand and sing you songs. Then maybe you would say »Come lay with me and love me«. And I would surely stay [Chorus]. But I feel I'm growing older and the songs that I have sung echo in the distance like the sound of a windmill going around. I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune. Many times I've been a traveler, I looked for something new. In days of old, when nights were cold, I wandered without you. But those days I thought my eyes had seen you standing near. Though blindness is confusing it shows that you're not here [Chorus]. Now I feel I'm growing older and the songs that I have sung echo in the distance like the sound of a windmill going around. I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune. See Deep Purple Live. Get tickets as low as $16.
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[Outro] Yes, I can hear the sound of a windmill going around. I guess I'll always be asoldier of fortune. I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune. The day is gone. When the angels come to stay and all the silent whispers will be blown away. Lying in the corner a pair of high heel shoes hanging on the wall gold and silver for the blues. One too many wasted sunsets. One too many for the road. And after dark the door is always open hoping someone else will show. Someone is waiting behind an unlocked door. Grey circles overhead, empties on the floor. The cracks in the walls have grown too long. The slow hand is dragging on afraid to meet the dawn. One too many wasted sunsets. One too many for the road. And after dark the door is always open hoping someone else will show [Intro] black night is not right. I don't feel so bright. I don't care to sit tight. Maybe I'll find on the way down the line that I'm free, free to be me. Black night is a long way from home. I don't need a dark tree. I don't want a rough sea. I can't feel, I can't see. Maybe I'll find on the way down the line that I'm free, free to be me. Black night is a long way from home [Guitar Solo] black night, black night. I don't need black night. I can't see dark light. See Deep Purple Live. Get tickets as low as $16.
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Maybe I'll find on the way down the line that I'm free, free to be me. Black night is a long way from home, John San, what you can Lala Janette dance in sand. What's the mystery? Gypsy Dan Caravan Won Tun Wan with your Chinese fan. Ha ha ha ha, history, my sun. Murder and rape with your power. The tenth revolution in far away days. It's come to this. A gypsy's kiss. All your power's gonna fade in the haze. Ya who' Jumme gae bile ya heed. Senorita said I'll drag yer lungs out through yer nose. Space truckers, free and high. Teamsters get ya by and by. That should keep you on your toes. They got a gun at your head but you ain't necessarily playing their game. They can't resist a gypsy's kiss.
All that's needed to drive them insane: See Deep Purple Live. Get tickets as low as $16.
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John Wayne, the Alamo, Crazy Horse, Geronimo. I'll smoke a piece with you. Mind, body, heart and soul. We got rock and roll. And there's nothing they can do. Hear the small voice of truth above the shouting despair of the crowd. What do you wish?
A gypsy's kiss gets you strong for crying out loud [Guitar/Solo/Outro]

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