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Heavy Kelch schrieb am 16.4. 2004 um 00:50:17 Uhr über


Springtime is sorrow, make love
last until the heart is dead
frost on the cracked glass, bleaching purity
ride angel's wings into heaven,
naked flesh a sick sight
vomit into hair of sweat, feed
myself on the lust of humanity
devour orgasms of blood
singing an ode of selfishness
into a sea, putrid recognizance
a stench of sex so strong, taste
it on my tongue
sweet poison caressing taste
buds until death
decay - corrode from the inside out
rot, melt away - the coating of security
now and forever, burns numbers in my head
cum to my senses, turn back the clock thrice
realization of desperation
suffer virgin flesh - suffer loneliness
together rode the wings of
demons right into hell

Prayer For Cleansing: Chalice Of Repentance

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