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Nils the Dark Elf schrieb am 11.3. 2002 um 10:30:41 Uhr über


I met him in a swamp down in Dagobah
where it bubbles all the time
like a giant carbonated soda
S-O-D-A soda
I saw the little runt
sitting there on a log
I asked for his name
and in a raspy voice he said, Yoda
Y-O-D-A Yoda

Well, I've been around, but I've never seen
a guy who looks like a muppet,
but he's wrinkled and green,
oh my Yoda,
And I'm not dumb, but I can't understand
how he can lift me in the air
just by rising his hand
oh my Yoda,

-- Weird Al Yankovic, Yoda

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