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basti2@t-online.de schrieb am 7.4. 2002 um 21:24:28 Uhr über


homere adjulerem est. magnificento mangoro haplo, diplo et gelarem fumarat delami. pesto munh, aldo munh, in ficio reducere and wat hath happened to thy brothers brother? arest thou inOcent inoff, to geb zu, daß du wissender im unwissen swebest? du seyst gesprenget mid dem heiligen Wather der hoyjonen, die in den Bohnen wohnen. In terra nostris there is no greater pain than mine. wie hath no juse, we hath only great extasy und our hearts burned like two magnificent candles. and the wörld turned black and the see turned red and blood ran all over us. and the shadows of the lamb turned us to be the last hope of the hopeless. and then I came into a garden which was voll von gruenen aepfeln und ichund ich sah, dass rafael mit lightening and sword was threating me and my wife and wie hide us behind a beatous bush of silver leaves. then the lord came down his enigmantic stairway and told us stories. He told us that his son was dying once. and his tears melting down his giant cheeks and we saw the seventh seal. What hath happened to us. We was bewitched. our souls so clear and free were full of pain. Meek meek we left the garden and we decided. We have to fight now.

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