>Info zum Stichwort Bonny | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
e schrieb am 25.5. 2003 um 13:24:33 Uhr über


words find
they risk the company of idiots
words find and curl into her sleep
curl up to sleep
a home
ridgetop brainland for looking down
words find
trespass the fingertips
crisscross the countryside
drops on paperscape
tell sex and crime
they roam
and words find
strife givers
little bonny pad
bonny in may
the grass fields
bonny's snowmilkwhiteness
they find
and alight on soft spots
color the mind fancifold
bound to the ceiling glueflexfully, -but.
bound to the earth
any earth she is to be
words find
and they roam
cornerfixed and arcbound
and flatsome by coarse
there's tricks
stuttertracks in the sand towards moonrise
words find
they risk the company of idiots

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