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elfboi schrieb am 24.2. 2003 um 10:05:25 Uhr über


Behind the Wall of Sleep

Visions cupped within the flower,
Deadly petals with strange power,
Faces shine a deadly smile,
Look upon you at your trial

Chill that numbs from head to toe,
Icy sun with frosty glow,
Words that go read to your sorrow,
Words that go read no tomorrow

Feel your spirit rise with the breeze,
Feel your body fallin' to its knees
Take your wall of remorse, Takes your body to a corpse
Takes your body to a corpse Takes your body to a corpse
Sleeping wall of remorse,
Takes your body to a corpse

Now from darkness there springs light,
Wall of sleep is cool and bright,
Wall of sleep is lying broken,
Sun shines in, you have awoken

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