Maybe ''deadly radon gas'' had occurred in a ''Batman'' episode of 10 or 20 years ago.
I could imagine Batman, all right, saying, ''O.K., Penguin, drop the deadly radon gas gun.''
I tried speaking the line out loud over the breakfast fiber, giving it a Bogart accent:
''O.K., Penguin, drop the deadly radon gas gun.''
"At the breakfast table, staring at the hateful words ''deadly radon gas,'' I couldn't help thinking of all the delicious breakfasts of bacon and eggs and buttered toast I had sacrificed for a claim on the golden years.
But they hadn't told me of the deadly radon gas. Deceived and embittered, I seized the newspaper, bit into the deadly radon gas story and ate it. It was like eating fiber."
Russell Baker, 1986