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schmidt schrieb am 14.10. 2022 um 19:24:44 Uhr über


we have to collect all items ogf plactic all sort of them and store very carefully apart light and humidity, we dont have to recycle those high potential energy or, in decomposition without burning gave rare ground materials, sober and try packages of sorted palstic are encreasing in value in short terms of time we shouldnt bake she says, oh no, not that bake to eliminate, this bread i bake, this is my only distraction, the only source of heat for a wile in my kitchen, i dind not have allumes the gasheaters sixteen degrees celsius and tree pullovers and anorgasemed since weeks make some heat waves in upper body. we will look like pat and patachon, i had exactly that and i want back all i had. all my discofrafs, all may asterixe, all my chemistry i left in the storage boards of the universitary laboratories which were all demenaged into new buildings since twenty years now my old laboratory did not exist enymore, were i discoveres the virostatic potential of bis until now dites not very harmful in swallowing, (they didnt make an tenthousand essay, there are one o and an second with te dobel and an fors with di forth. thethethehhnn

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