Oida, t'aint nnuthin but the geezers, stare at geezers so they know you aint lightweight, because round here we call em Birds not biches! Eastbourne! Oi oi! (aint got nuttin to doe wit fooking nazibitchees, know that, an by the way, tbetter that you gets me some o deese fish an chipsees, you bitchees, ow fook i loves aull the women i could never say anythin against them, tjust be neva out haraassing, take thbus to the store i aint neva be makin that fooking shite ni more, round theleophants corner you be brought to heavy paying fer cigs and sex, the latter is inexpensiave bit neva to get in fiast place fooking shite yous allrite!!!!!!
Hamlet Towers!