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elfboi schrieb am 9.12. 2002 um 22:16:49 Uhr über


Discordian Calendar

The Discordian Calendar is based heavily on the number 5. The Discordian year is made up of 5 seasons, in keeping with the Law of Fives, of 73 days each. The seasons are named Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, and Aftermath. The German names are also used in some Erisian circles as well as the Bavarian Illuminati: Unordnung, Zweitracht, Verwirrung, Beamtenherrschaft, and Grummet. If English and German begin to grow tiresome, one is free to look up the words in another language and use them for variety.
The Discordian week is made up of five days, named for the Five Elements: Sweetmorn, Boomtime, Pungenday, Prickle-Prickle, and Setting Orange. (Note that 39 Aftermath/27 December always falls on a Sweetmorn, etc.)
The fifth day of each Season is an Apostle Holyday: Mungoday, Mojoday, Syaday, Zaraday, and Maladay. (Underlined above.) Both sorts of Holydays are customarily celebrated with much joviality and frivolity.
The fiftieth day of each Season is celebrated as a Season Holyday: Chaoflux, Discoflux, Confuflux, Bureflux, and Afflux. (Underlined.)
St. Tibb's Day occurs once every four years between the 59th and 60th days of the Season of Chaos, and corresponds to Leap Day or 29 February in the Gregorian calendar. (Highlighted above.) It does not fall on any day of the week.
The Discordian Calendar is dated from the year of Illumination of Hung Mung, an ancient Chinese sage who devised the Sacred Chao (1166 BC). There are some differences between Cabals in this regard. Due to the non-hierachical nature of Discordianism, there's not much to prevent one from picking any starting date/event to commemorate, and proceed from there.

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