>Info zum Stichwort 666 | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
we schrieb am 30.4. 2002 um 12:35:25 Uhr über


(One colel, or unit may be added or substracted without effecting the
symbolic meaning. Triple numbers such as 111, 666; all multiples of
37 are supposed to be of particular significance)

Euporia = property/ affluence/ wealth/ gain (Acts 19:25) = 666 )
Apollumetha = »we perish« (Luke 8:24/ Mark 4:38) = 666
Helkusai = »to draw« (John 21:6) net = 666
Plueran = »side« (John 19:34/ 20:20/ 20: 25/ Acts 12: 7) = 666
Wonders = (2 Thess 2:9) = 666
Made clay = (John 9:14) = 666

For her sins are piled high as heaven
(Rev 18:5)= 4040 = 666 x 6.06
Whoever recieves the mark of its name
(Rev 14:11)= 3997 (666 x 6)
For her sins are piled as high as heaven
- Rev 18:5 = 3996 (666 x 6)
The kingdoms of this world
- Luke 4:5 = 3996 (666 x 6)
Merchants of the earth
- Rev 18:3 = 666
Those who worship the beast and its image
- Rev 14:11 = 3996 (666 x 6)
World - Jn 1:10 = 600

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