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Bob schrieb am 22.5. 2007 um 22:15:01 Uhr über


In London gab es schon Mitte 2005 mindestens 500000 Überwachungskameras - und inzwischen sind noch einige dazu gekommen, täglich werdens mehr...

''The British capital has more surveillance cameras monitoring its citizens than any other major city in the world. The highly visible gadgets are posted on the corners of many buildings, on new buses and in every subway station. Since 2003, the license plate of every car driving into central London during weekdays is filmed as part of a program to reduce traffic congestion. London charges a fee to cars and also uses the films to catch and fine cheats. In all, there are at least 500,000 cameras in the city, and one study showed that in a single day a person could expect to be filmed 300 times.''

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, online, 8. Juli 2005

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